Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2 Dr Gero's Lab

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  6. Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2 Dr Gero's Labels

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered Seemingly Confirmed. UK Daily Deals: Cheapest Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Doom Eternal Deals. Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II. Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 2 is an action RPG set in the Dragon Ball universe and it's a really fun game to play, even without taking into consideration that it's Dragon Ball. The game picks up right after the first one left off (so right after the Freiza/Namek Arc) and it continues until the end of the Cell Arc. Where is the computer in dr geros lab, Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II Questions and answers, Gameboy Advance.

Chapter One

Planet Elysium

Two hours after Planet Vegeta's destruction

'Damnit!' Nonoi shouted to the heavens, punching a nearby wall in his rage.

'What's wrong Nonoi?' Nappa, the Commander of the Saiyan army, asked confused as to why Nonoi was angry enough to destroy a wall.

'They're… They're all gone. Planet Vegeta's gone!' Nonoi's voice echoed throughout the ruins that the team of Saiyans had camped in, Nonoi's voice escalating to a shout as he announced the end of the Saiyan homeworld, to the shock of Nappa and Raditz.

'Looks like I'll never be King.' Prince Vegeta said in disappointment as he ate a fruit native to the recently conquered planet. Shocking the adult Saiyans further.

'Raditz, what about your family? Didn't they call you earlier?' Nappa asked the youngest Saiyan of their group.

'Yeah, mom just called to ask me a few questions about the mission difficulty. Though I think she mentioned something about sending Kakarot off to a planet called Earth?' Raditz said thinking about whether or not getting his brother would be ideal or a burden on them.

'Oh well, he only had a power level of 5 anyways, he wouldn't be useful to us as he is.' Raditz said after remembering how weak his brother was.

Throughout this conversation Hokept stood silently watching the group of Saiyans.

'So you were right after all, My King.' He thought to himself vowing to keep the secret of the Saiyan children to himself for as long as possible.

1 Week Later

Frieza's Capital Ship

'My Lord, it appears some Saiyans survived the destruction of their homeworld.' Kikono, reported to the Emperor of the Universe, who was lounging in his chair watching the stars go by, through the window.

'Oh? And pray tell who survived?' Frieza said casually, looking sideways to Kikono who had a slight look of fear at the rage that Frieza could have upon learning who survived.

'P-prince Vegeta, and 4 no-name Saiyans, My Lord.' Kikono stammered out in fear for his life.

'I see.. We'll keep them alive for now. But, just in case, Zarbon, tell the Ginyu Force, as well as Shisami, that I want them to start training.' Frieza said from his throne.

'Right away, My Lord.' Zarbon said bowing.

'Oh and start training yourself as well Zarbon, Dodoria. No need for my primary attendants to die in an accident involving a Saiyan.' Frieza said calmly as Zarbon was leaving to carry out his orders.

4 Months Later

Galactic Patrol HQ

'My King! My King!' A high ranking member of the Galactic Patrol shouted out in panic, running into the throne room belonging to the King of the Milky Way Galaxy and leader of the Galactic Patrol.

'What's wrong Jira?' The King said standing up upon his multiple -Not!-tentacles his head tilting in curiosity.

'The Saiyan King was right! Planet Vegeta was destroyed!' Jira shouted out, to the shock of the Galactic King and the Patrolmen within the room.

'What about the Saiyans Vegeta III planned to send away?' The Galactic King asked, slight worry that the children didn't make it off world. Even though he didn't like how the Saiyans lived and worked, they were still subjects of his galaxy.

'There were reports of 14 spacepods being sent off-world just days before the destruction of Vegeta.' Burra, who came running in after Jira, reported with a bow.

'Were you able to figure out what direction the pods were heading?' The King said looking at Burra who straightened from his kneeling position

'Yes, my King, Anago started following the pods when they entered an asteroid belt. Sadly not all the pods made it through the belt in one piece, two of the 14 initial pods malfunctioned. The passengers… didn't make it, My King.' Burra said sadly after straightening from his bow.

'Were the pods and the deceased recovered? And what Planet did the pods land on?' The King asked Burra hoping the Saiyans survivors landed on a planet where they could live peacefully while not causing any issues.

'The pods and deceased were recovered, Sir! As for the living Saiyans, Anago reported that they will land on a planet in one of Jako's sectors called Earth in 2 months Sir!' Jira replied in Burra's place straightening her back from her prolonged bow.

'Alright, send Kal and Mar to go to Earth and approve the Saiyans as Official Galactic Refugees.' The King commanded another Patrolman, who posed and went off to fulfill her orders.

2 Months Later

Planet Earth



There was a loud bang, the entire Lookout shook as the spherical object crashed into it. The two otherworldly beings rushed outside of the Palace to see what caused the commotion, only to see what looks to be a pod of some sort. As they grew closer to it a voice sounded off from above.

'Stay where you are, or I'll blast you to nothing!' It was a young woman's voice which confused the Genie and Guardian alike. Looking up, they saw a, like her voice suggested, young woman holding her arm at the wrist, the palm facing their direction, a small Ki blast forming in it. The woman had long ebony spiky locks that went down to her waist with two large strands resting on her shoulders. She wore black form-fitting armor with blue-accents and a light blue bodysuit that only left her arms below the elbow exposed, her legs being fully covered.

'Don't move or I will kill you both.' The woman continued as Kami and Mr. Popo stood there, watching the woman intently as she landed and checked took her attention away from them to check on the girl inside the pod.

'I assume she's your daughter?' Kami asked the woman gently, reading what she's currently thinking. To the Saiyan mother's shock, causing her to turn around and focus on the two again. This time getting a better look at the two, or more specifically the one who spoke to her.

'Who are you!? And why is a Namekian here?! The Inhabitants are supposed to look like Saiyans!' The woman shouted in shock. Kami, just smiled and slowly walked towards the Saiyan woman, using his cane to help him.

'I am Kami, the Guardian of Earth. This is my attendant, Mr. Popo. We'd like to know who you are and why you came to Earth in the first place with the 10 others I sensed enter the atmosphere. If it's alright with you of course.' Kami said gently to the intergalactic refugee. The question knocking the woman out of her shock and causing her to remember her orders of not wiping the planet of all life and to just live on what's going to be her new home, Earth.

'My name is Satsu and this is my daughter, Jagaima and we're Saiyans.' Satsu said with a sigh, lowering her arm.

Capsule Corp

Rushing outside, after hearing a loud bang and feeling the ground shaking, Dr. Briefs was shocked to find what looked to be a spaceship in his backyard.

'Well, what do we have here?' Dr. Briefs said sliding down the crater to see a little girl sleeping within. After a minute of tinkering, the man found a way to open the spaceship. Gently picking up the still sleeping girl, Dr. Briefs looked over the girl noting her tail and the armor she wore.

'You there! Old Man! Put my sister back in the pod and you won't be hurt!' The voice of a teenage girl shouted from above him. Looking up Dr. Briefs was shocked at seeing what he thought was a teenage girl, wearing armor similar to the little girl that landed in the pod, however, hers was a dark blue with indigo accents with an indigo bodysuit that left her legs, below the knees and arms past the elbows visible , where the girl's own armor was black and red with a pink bodysuit that covered her entire body with the exception of her neck and head, the teenager's hair was wild and spiky going to the small of her back, holding her hands up pointing them at Briefs, a small blue ball of energy in her palms. Looking nervous Dr. Briefs slowly put the little girl back into the pod and slowly stepped back from the spherical spaceship. When he reached the edge of the crater, the young woman flew down and picked up her little sister checking her over for any irregularities. Turning back to Dr. Briefs the woman pointed her hand at him.

'Who are you and why were you holding my sister?!' The woman said harshly to the older man.

'My name is Dr. Briefs. As my title suggests, I'm a doctor, as well as a scientist. I w-' Briefs said a little quickly before being interrupted by a young voice familiar to him.

'Daddy? What's going on? What was that bang earlier?' The voice of a little girl asked curiously, catching the attention of the woman and shocking Dr. Briefs causing him to turn quickly towards the door.

'Bulma what are you doing up?! I thought it was your bedtime?' Dr. Briefs said to his youngest daughter. Before looking at the woman who lowered her hand, eyes softening, at the sight of the child who looked slightly older than her little sister.

'Hey! who are you?' The 5 year old Bulma asked giggling while running up to the woman in the strange armor and girl she was holding, heedless of her father trying to stop her. The woman smiled slightly before crouching to Bulma's height to look her in the eye.

'My name's Paseri, and this is Seloria, my little sister.' The woman, now named Paseri, said gently to Bulma, slightly shifting her little sister in her arms to a more comfortable position.

'Are you new around here? I've never seen you before!' Bulma said, brightly smiling to Paseri, who smiled back to the little girl.

'Yes, we just got here tonight.' Paseri responded to the little girl, her smile widening.

'So you don't have somewhere to stay?' Bulma asked curiously with a tilt of her head staring at the otherworldly refugees. Not seeing her father's shocked look behind her.

'No, we don't have anywhere to stay, little one.' Paseri said looking to the little girl curious as to where the girl was going with this. The girl's father however figured out what his little girl was up to and was both shocked and proud of her.

'Why not stay with us? We've got more than enough room for you and you sister!' Dr. Briefs continued for his little girl to the Saiyan woman, shocking her to the core. The woman took a few minutes to compare the pros and cons, looking to her still sleeping sister, her mind made up, the woman looked up to Dr. Briefs and gave her response.

'That would be… nice.' She responded with a small smile making Bulma shout in glee.

Desert, Baba's Palace


'Fortune Teller Baba! Fortune Teller Baba! Come quick! A strange meteor landed not far from here!' A strange pink ghost with a conical hat shouted with a strange mix of panic and excitement in it's feminine voice. Catching the attention of the owner of the Palace.

'Oh? So they did come. Very well, Bandages, Spike, go bring the 'meteor' to me.' Baba said casually, as if she already knew the contents of the 'meteor' landed outside her Palace.

'Yes, Fortune Teller Baba.' The Mummy and Devil both said before heading out to go get the meteor for their mistress.

'Oh! Don't forget the child and woman!' Baba's voice sounded off from behind them, causing the two beings to look at each other in confusion as they went to retrieve their objective.

Crash Site

Upon arriving at the crater Bandages and Spike were surprised to see not a meteor, but a strange white sphere and a woman, with long wild hair, opening the sphere and picking up a child from the white sphere. Upon hearing a strange beep from the device on the woman's face she turned quickly to the strange beings standing at the edge of the crater staring down at her.

'Who are you?!' The woman shouted in surprise as her hand rose to point at them. She was wearing dark blue, almost black, armor with golden accents and a dark red, almost crimson even, bodysuit. Bandages and Spike looked to each other before turning back to the woman.

'Mistress Baba, told us to come retrieve the meteor along with what we think are you and the child.' Spike said being the only one to talk between the two.

'Baba? How would she know about us?!' The woman continued her hand still pointing at the two.

'Mistress Baba is a Fortune Teller, she knows all and sees all. And she would like to see you and the child.' Spike responded to the woman trying to calm her down.

'Well.. We've got nowhere to go anyways might as well go. Shouldn't we Toma?' The woman, Hanasia sighed out after a few minutes of contemplation and checking the power levels of both strange beings in front of her and noting that she's over double them combined.

'This way then ma'am.' Spike said, while Bandages motioned to the direction they just came from.

Red Ribbon HQ

'Sir! A strange meteor landed in the forest southwest of the southern entrance last night! Your orders?' Officer Black said to Commander Red, standing by the entrance to the office in order to carry out his incoming orders faster.

'Interesting.. Send out Lieutenant Violet's squad to investigate and secure the area, then send out Gero's scientists for retrieval when the all-clear is reported back.' Commander Red ordered looking out his window still smoking his cigar.

Two hours later


'Lieutenant Violet! Area's secure, but you should see this for yourself ma'am!' Violet's Sergeant reported to her over comms, much to the surprise of the recently promoted Lieutenant.

'Copy that Sergeant, I'm en route to your position, T-Minus 5 minutes.' Violet radioed back to her second in command, before walking to meet with him.

Upon arriving at the crash site, Violet was surprised to see not a meteor like she believed, but a sphere made of a strange white material that she's never seen before with what looks to be a window made of red glass. Sliding down the crater, Violet looked through the window to see-

'A Child?' Violet, was surprised to see a child, of all things, within what she now thinks is a spaceship of some kind. Violet, in an attempt to free the child within, tapped along the edges of the pod. Upon tapping the top of the pod, the hatch opened and she got a better look at the child, seeing him in armor and with a tail, looking up at her with curious black eyes. Violet was convinced they stumbled upon a spaceship. Smiling gently, Violet spoke to the boy to see if he could communicate.

'Hey there, what's your name?' Violet said with a soft tone to what looks to be a 3 year old child.

'Dai- Daikon!' The child spoke through the broken speech common with children still learning to speak, much to the surprise of Violet.

'Well Daikon, are you waiting for someone?' Violet continued, still talking softly to the child, not wanting to scare or provoke him.

'My a-aunt, t-old me to wa-it fow her.' Daikon said trying to say the words that his aunt told him before they left. But Violet knew that her leader, as well as the head scientist, Gero, would want the child to be relocated into HQ where they can keep an eye on him so she continued.

'Well how about you this? You can come with me and we can wait for your aunt to come get you together. Does that sound okay?' Violet said her voice never leaving the soft tone she started the conversation with. Daikon nodded hesitantly and let Violet pick him up. Ignoring the child's extra appendage for now, Violet turned to her squad to give out orders.

'Sergeant! Radio back to HQ that the crash site is secure and to send Gero and his scientists over for recovery!' Giving her orders Violet looked to little Daikon, who was looking at her curiously, and smiled at him disarmingly.

Little did Violet know, this meeting would change her life for the better.

Later that day

Legacy Of Goku 4

'Sir! What do we do with the child?' Officer Black asked Commander Red confused as to what they should do with the Child that was within the spaceship. Red turned towards the window and looked outside towards his base in contemplation.

'He's taken a liking to Lieutenant Violet, let her take care of him. When he's 13 we'll start training him in combat.' Commander Red said after a few minutes of contemplation.

'Yes, Sir I'll relay the orders to Violet at once!' Black saluted before leaving the office to tell Violet her new orders.

Skies above a Mountain Range

A woman with a tail wrapped around her waist and body-fitting combat armor is flying in the direction her scouter, which is designed to follow a specific being's Ki signature as long as they are in range, a special model that King Vegeta had ordered built in secret without the communicator installed, to her daughter to retrieve her as fast as possible, unaware of the danger that her daughter's pod landed near.

'There you are!' The woman suddenly shouted upon her daughter's pod coming into sight. Landing the woman rushed to the pod's hatch. Opening, she smiled at seeing her daughter, who giggled at seeing her mother. Harapen grinned and picked up her daughter.

'Now, little Kinoko, why don't we look for a place to stay until we find the ot-' The woman started before being cut off by her scouter detecting a power close to her daughter's own, and the voice of a man came from behind her.

'Why don't you come with me? My brother is quite accommodating to those in need of help. Especially those as gifted as you and your daughter.' The voice sounded slimy to the saiyan woman. Turning around, Harapen saw what looked to be a middle-aged Human man, with long dark hair in a ponytail and wearing a pink tunic and pants, looking down at her and her daughter from the crater's edge.

'We'll be fine on our own mister.' Unnerved by the man's sudden appearance, Harapen turned around and started to hover, thinking the man had left after her denial.

'It wasn't a suggestion.' The man's voice whispered in her ear, causing her eyes to widen in shock, as her scouter started to rapidly beep, showing that the man's power level had drastically increased to that of well beyond her own. She tried to turn around but it was already too late.

'DODAN-RAY' The man's voice shouted from behind her. A bright yellow blast pierced her armor and her torso. The last thing the woman saw was the man's aura shift from a crimson red to a that of a light violet.

As the woman hit the ground, Mercenary Tao looked to the child, whose power was almost on par with that of his and his brother's, thinking his brother would like to have another strong pupil. The child started crying, trying to wake her mother up, before looking to the man who made her mother sleep and, after unconsciously memorizing his face, she cried louder. Getting fed up with the crying, Tao grabbed the child by the closest thing within reach, which was her tail. Noting how the girl, Kinoko he remembered, fell unconscious to having her tail grabbed. Tao made a mental note to tell his brother later about how Kinoko's tail was her weakness, in case she gets too rowdy. Tao then broke down a tree and threw it before he leapt onto the tree with his brother's new soon-to-be disciple's unconscious body in tow. Leaving behind the body of the girl's mother and the pod she arrived in.

Pilaf's Castle


'Emperor Pilaf, sir! A meteor landed north of the castle, you're orders?' A woman with long black hair said while saluting the small Blue Emperor, who had a shocked look at the thought of a meteor of all things landing near his castle. Acting quickly, he gave his subordinates his orders.

'Mai, take Shu and bring the meteor back to me! And be quick about it!' He shouted at her. Mai responded with a quick 'Yes, Sir!' and left to go find Shu and complete their objective.

An hour later

Crash Site

Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2

'It'll come within sight soon, Shu be ready to hook-up the meteor to the back of the truck.' Mai said driving the truck to where the crash site was located. Standing up, Shu looked around where they're heading.

'I don't see anything Mai, are you sure the meteor crashed in this direction?' Shu said confused as to why he couldn't see anything but desert and giant mushrooms.

'Yes, I'm sure I saw the meteor land in this direction last n-' What she was saying was cut off by the truck hitting a bump in the ground, stopping the truck cold and sending Mai and Shu airborne into the crater they were looking for. Landing in a heap in front of the 'meteor', Mai and Shu were brought out of their daze by childish laughter. Looking up Mai saw a little boy with a full head of spiky black hair and a tail, wearing armor that looked to be specially designed for him. With a smile the child grinned a grin befitting his age and giggled. Looking at the kid in surprise, Mai and Shu looked at each other before looking at the kid in surprise.

Fire Mountain

A familiar woman woke with a start within her pod. Opening her pod in a rush. Gine stood up, she quickly floated high to get her bearings for a few minutes. Before flying off in a random direction with one goal in mind.

'Don't worry Kakarot, Mommy's coming' Gine thought before flying off using her scouter to help narrow her search.

Red Ribbon HQ

That Night

We see a doctor, with long red hair with grey highlights, a lab coat commonly worn by those in medical or scientific fields, going over footage of the previous night sky. The man was looking for something in particular, and upon finding it, a grin spread across his face as he pulled up a map and marking a specific point. Standing up with the map in hand, the man reported that he'll be gone for a few days, a week at the most, then left the building, taking with him his personal case of dynocaps. He had a particular mountain range in sight.

Dragon ball z legacy of goku 2 dr gero

AN: Updated Power Levels as of 2/3/20

Power Levels

Frieza Force

Frieza - 530,000

Zarbon - 21,000

Dodoria - 21,000

Kikono - 5,000


Vegeta - 8,000

Nappa - 3,300

Nonoi - 3,200

Hokept - 3,000

Raditz - 700



Gine - 500

Hanasia - 350

Satsu - 200

Paseri - 180

Harapen - 120

Daikon - 110

Kinoko - 80

Toma - 59

Jagaima - 25

Daizu - 18

Seloria - 8

Kakarot - 5

Legacy Of Goku 2 Gamefaqs


Tao - 58

Tao(Full Power) - 115

Tao(Limit-Break, Dodon-Ray) - 207

Commander Red - 3

Officer Black - 6

Lieutenant Violet - 5

Pilaf - 2

Mai - 4

Shu - 3



Kami - 270

Mr. Popo - 320

Bandages - 75

Spike - 93

AN: And that's that for Chapter 1(technically Chapter 2 but eh)! What'd you guys think? Now I know I caused some questions to form that revolved around Tao's 'Limit-Break'. It isa transformation for Humans one with a unique history that delves further than 'Oh, look at that. Humans can transform now.' It won't be revealed yet for obvious reasons, but I can assure you it's backstory created quite the butterfly effect.

I'll leave you guys off with I'll be keeping to a One-Chapter-per-Month schedule to give me time to write the future chapters.

Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2 Dr Gero's Lab Test

With that all said. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Dbz Legacy Of Goku Rom



Where do i find the three generators to get into the evil Dr.'s lair/lab?

Posted: oct 19, 2008 1:56 pm

Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2 Dr Gero's Labels


third generator

When you go to the party house in the Northern Mountains, you will, on the way, see a row
of switches. The black, green, and blue have to be on, the others have to be off. That's
how you open the basement door to destroy the third generators

Posted: feb 17, 2009 7:10 am


third generator

When you go to the party house in the Northern Mountains, you will, on the way, see a row
of switches. The black, green, and blue have to be on, the others have to be off. That's
how you open the basement door to destroy the third generators

Posted: feb 17, 2009 7:18 am


RE: Generators

When you go to the entrance to Dr. Gero's lab, take a right. You will find two (2)
generators there.One is not far righy from the lab. Right next to the other one,
from the lab) there is a mother dinosaur raising eggs. You have to help her move all three
(3) eggs down one location without being hit. The third generator is at Vinnie's house. On
your way up there you will come across a cave with switches in it. Flip ON the BLUE, BLACK
and GREEN. Then finish your journey to Vinnie's house, and go to the Metal door that was
once closed. The third generator's right downstairs!

Posted: jul 25, 2009 10:40 am | edited by Author jul 25, 2009 10:41 am



Exit through the right exit. Destroy the generator (destroy the yellow things to be
exact).Head through the exit at the top right and head through the next room. Make sure to
go everywhere on this cliff area because there is a Golden Capsule. At the top is an exit,
go through, save and talk to the Dinosaur (also, Switch to Vegeta if you're not him
already). Turn Super Saiyan, pick up an egg and then run down into the next screen. Wait
until the enemy is off the screen then run to the bottom and wait until the Egg Bots and
the Tiger Bandit next to them are heading up and off the
screen for the most part and skim along the bottom. Head down and skim along the wall
avoiding the enemies and you're home free! Repeat this two more times, destroy the
generator then head all the way back to where the Force Field is.
Head back to the first area where you could hear music and head up to the north exit. Head
up the mountain into the cave. Follow through the cave until you see a bunch of switches
on the wall. Turn on the Black, Green, and Blue switches and head up into Vinnie's house.
Go through the open door and destroy the final generator.

Posted: mar 16, 2010 8:34 pm


second generator

but how can i finish the egg escorting its hard i cant attack and they always hit me

Posted: sep 16, 2010 5:54 am