Dragon Ball Z The Legacy Of Goku - Goku Vs Frieza

  1. Dbz Kai Goku Vs Frieza
  2. Goku Vs Frieza Episodes
  3. Dragon Ball Legacy Of Goku 2

Jun 19, 2019  When Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot was first announced as a single player RPG experience I got very excited! After seeing the new trailer, revealing more info about the game, on Microsoft’s stage I was excited to see more. Could this finally be the game to surpass the Legacy of Goku for me? After a visit with Bandai Namco at E3 2019 I have come away even more excited than before. Aug 24, 2013  20 videos Play all Dragon Ball Z The Legacy of Goku 2 Story Mode DBZanto Z Vegeta vs Frost, Vegeta saves Master Roshi, Gohan vs Frieza, Frieza tricked Frost, DBS English Dub.

Played 537 777 times

First episode of a trilogy of adventure games, The Legacy of Goku starts at the very beginning of the Dragon Ball Z series. While Goku visits childhood friends, the cruel Raditz appears and reminds him that he was sent to Earth to destroy the human race. Goku refusing to join him, Raditz will kidnap his young son Gohan...
Released in 2002 for Game Boy Advance (Nintendo), play here the online version of this RPG true to the DBZ series.
Game Controls:
Enter: Start
Bkspace: Select
Arrows: Move
Z: Button A
X: Button B
A: Button L
S: Button R
See also:
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 2
Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury

Chapter 4. Frieza versus Goku

If you want an Idea on how Frieza looks like, picture him as Meta cooler in cooler's 5th form. Anyways enjoy.

'You're really going to pay now, Frieza!' Goku shouted as they started to clash their fists. Each strike from Frieza's with speed and accuracy. Frieza might not be as strong as Goku, but he sure was a much better fighter. Their fists clashed as the whole universe began shaking. Each clash they made left a wave strong enough to obliterate the whole mortal realm! Goku was of course one step ahead. He was toying with Frieza. Each time Frieza tried to hit him, Goku saw it coming and faked getting injured. Goku used only 23% of his true power which was 97% of Beerus' full power. Frieza with grace started to gut him and strike him at every weak point of his body. Frieza actually hurt Goku for real at one point. They kept going at it. Frieza kept punching and Goku kept blocking. Every punch Frieza landed, Goku would just either dodge, block or counter. Goku never went on the offense however, Frieza kept trying to land on a decisive blow. 'Hohoho, I never told you did I? This isn't my full power at all. I'm only using 25%! So before you think you won, you should try fight me for real!' Frieza said before powering up. Frieza's power soon skyrocketed to what Beerus stated his power was. Frieza was ready to beat the living crap out of Goku. Frieza with one arm, opened his hand and got ready for an attack. It came to Goku that he was using Hakai, a technique used by the Gods of Destruction but since Beerus stated he could use Hakaishin energy Goku was not surprised. Goku smirked as he knew that the move only erased people weaker than the user. 'Now die, HAKAI!' As a purple sparkles disappeared, Frieza saw Goku standing idly by not phased at all. 'What kind of monkey are you?!' Frieza shouted confused. Goku grabbed Frieza's hand and started crushing his hand. 'Funs over Frieza.' Goku said as he went to his Ultra Instinct omen state and glared at Frieza hitting Frieza faster than even angels to comprehend. Frieza soon fell down on the floor. 'How?! How did a monkey… like... you get sooo… stroooooong…' Frieza uttered out before fainting. Goku grabbed Frieza's body and tossed him into the vacuum of space. He then created a blast of yellow light making Frieza's body turn into ashes. Out of the smoke made by the blast a shadow appeared. Did Frieza survive?! Goku thought to himself. 'KAKAROT!' A familiar voice shouted out.

'What the hell did you do dammit' Vegeta complained to Goku about killing Frieza. 'Next time we see a Frieza his MINE. Got it?' Vegeta ordered Goku to agree. Goku nodded his head as he gave an awkward smile. 'Wait Vegeta, how did you get here?' Goku wondered as Vegeta crossed his arm. 'Well Bulma first of all messed up with another timeline by bringing you here. I had to gather the Super Dragon Balls and wished to come to the same universe you were in. I also had to fight Champa to get the- HEY ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!' Vegeta told Goku before yelling when telling him his last line. Goku was busy whistling and looking at other Planets. 'Yeah, yeah, anyways Vegeta, what to do now?' Goku asked Vegeta. Vegeta looked at him as he said 'Go home, where else?' 'Aww really? Can't we stay like a little bit longer? You can meet yourself, your father and the Saiyans.' Goku said in disappointment. 'The Saiyans? Okay then I guess we could stay a bit longer.'

Dbz Kai Goku Vs Frieza

'Yay!' Goku said as they went towards Planet Vegeta, Goku was overjoyed by Vegeta's agreement. Goku used instant transmission to send both of them back to planet Vegeta. Vegeta saw himself right there looking confuse to see someone who looks just like him except bigger. 'Who is this suppose to be, Kakarot?' King Vegeta asked Goku with a confused look. 'Oh well, this is Vegeta' Goku told the King. 'Vegeta? That's the same name as my son and I' King Vegeta said shockingly. His eyes widened. His jaw dropped.

Dragon Ball Z The Legacy Of Goku - Goku Vs Frieza

Goku Vs Frieza Episodes

'Well let me explain. Vegeta is actually from an alternate future like me. We live in a timeline very different from yours, for example, our Frieza was not as strong as the Frieza in your timeline. Oh and this Vegeta is a God of Destruction Trainee.' 'God of Destruction? Are you saying that I can be a God of Destruction in the future?' Kid Vegeta asked himself. 'Yes, sadly there's no Kakarot here for you to use as a sparring partner.' Vegeta told his younger self. 'Vegeta, are you finally admitting we're equals?' Goku said making Vegeta's face as red as a tomato. Vegeta was embarrassed. 'Anyways before we leave Kakarot and I are going to train the Saiyan army so you will at least be able to defend yourselves. We will teach you to also learn how to sense Ki and not to rely on your oozaru form.' Vegeta told all the Saiyans, including Goku, in the room and soon to the entire Saiyan army. All the Saiyans showed a shock face. Vegeta soon demonstrated how the scouters were unreliable just like how Goku proved it by going Super Saiyan. Vegeta with the help of Kakarot soon trained the Saiyan army. First they moved their planet to train on 5x the gravity of Planet Vegeta, meaning 50x the gravity of Earth! They also thought each Saiyan to use Ki sense and lock on opponents Power level, also to hide their own. Each Saiyan learned the emotions needed to turn Super Saiyan. Goku then told them not to use this strength for mass murder or to conquer planets unless they need to protect themselves from large threats, but also told them to try reasoning with the threats first. Each Saiyan by the end of their training unlocked Super Saiyan and had base power levels of 3 million to 10 million, those emotional Saiyans unlocked the ascended Super Saiyan state, also known as Super Saiyan 2! 'Okay now it has been real fun training each and every one of you but I'm afraid we have to leave.' 'Wait before you leave, tell me you said your name was also Goku? Where did that name come from?' King Vegeta asked Goku. Goku answered, 'From Earth, I wasn't born on Earth but was sent there because as a baby I had a power level of 2.' '2?! Yet you're so strong.' King Vegeta exclaimed in shock. 'Well anything is possible if you work hard, anyways Vegeta lets go home.' 'Okay Kakarot, one question how do we go home?' Vegeta asked Goku leaving Goku in an awkward silence.

Dragon Ball Legacy Of Goku 2

That's the end of Chapter 4. Chapter 5 will be how they go into the future, the far far future but not their future. Find out Next time on Dragon Ball New. Time changes A LOT. Hope you enjoyed. Please tell me if you enjoyed this series.